Saturday, September 19, 2009

Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Big

Clutter, clutter, clutter.

as you may have read in my previous posts. You can buy all the newest closet organizers and closet organization systems on the market and it might not do you any good. I think the biggest obstacle to having an organized closet is that we have too much stuff. When your stuff becomes too much it is no longer referred to as belongings, it is now referred to as clutter.

It now appears that getting rid of clutter isn't just good for your closet it is good for your physical and emotional health.

Peter Walsh has written a wonderful book that links accumulating clutter with eating, food and the body. I found the book insightful and inspiring. He has three prongs to his basic weight loss premise: stop watching tv, start eating meals at home at a table, and get rid of clutter in your life. It sounds simple enough. It twins with my pet peeve that more and more people don't eat their meals at a table.

Check out Peter Walsh's new book.
It has lots of creative new ideas and spins on conventional thoughts about getting rid of clutter and organizing your closets and your life.

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